1. Your use/access/browsing of the Application or Website or the Services or products or registration (with or without payment/with or without subscription) through any means shall signify Your acceptance of the Terms and Your agreement to be legally bound by the same.

2. All information, content, material, trademarks, services marks, trade names, and, text, images, graphics, video, script and audio, contained in the Application, Website, Services and products are proprietary of the Company .

3. Your use of our Website, Application and Services is solely for Your personal and non-commercial use. Any use of these other than for personal purposes is prohibited. Your personal and non-commercial use of this Application, Website, products and / or our Services shall be subjected to the restrictions as per law.

4.Our Website provides Users with access to compiled educational informations. We assume no liability for the accuracy or completeness or use or non obsolescence of such information. Certain contents in the Application/Services/Website/products (in particular relating to assistance in preparations for administrative services) may contain opinions and views. The Company shall not be responsible for such opinions or any claims resulting from them.

5.The Company may, based on any form of access to the Application (including free download/trials) or Services or Website or registrations through any source whatsoever, contact the User through sms, email, Whatsapp and call, to give information about its products as well as notifications on various important updates and/or to seek permission for demonstration of its products.

6.The Company shall have no responsibility for any loss or damage caused to tablet or any other hardware and / or software and/or instrument, including loss of data or effect on the processing speed, resulting from Your use of our products and Services.

7. Any products returned showing signs of any use or damage in any manner shall not be accepted for return. (c)All requests for return of products have to be placed within 7 (Seven) days from the date of delivery. Please note that no refunds shall be claimed or will be entertained post 7 (Seven) days from the date of delivery.

8.The Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India, without regard to conflict of law principles. Further, the Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts located in TRIPURA and You hereby accede to and accept the jurisdiction of such courts.

9.The Company has the right to change modify, suspend, or discontinue and/or eliminate any aspect(s), features or functionality of the Application or the Services as it deems fit at any time without notice. Further, the Company has the right to amend these Terms from time to time without prior notice to you. The Company makes no commitment, express or implied, to maintain or continue any aspect of the Application. You agree that the Company shall not be liable to You or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Application/Services. All prices are subject to change without notice.

10.General Provisions:

  • Notice: All notices served by the Company shall be provided via email to Your account or as a general notification on the Application. Any notice to be provided to the Company should be sent to support@aadhyan.net

  • Entire Agreement: The Terms, along with the Privacy Policy, and any other guidelines made applicable to the Application from time to time, constitute the entire agreement between the Company and You with respect to Your access to or use of the Application, Website and the Services thereof.

  • The Company provides these Terms so that You are aware of the terms that apply to your use of the Website/Application and Services. You acknowledge that, the Company has given You a reasonable opportunity to review these Terms and that You have agreed to them.

11.Feedback:Any feedback You share with respect to the Application will be deemed to be non-confidential. The Application shall be free to use such information on an unrestricted basis. Further, by submitting the feedback, You represent and warrant that (i) Your feedback does not contain confidential or proprietary information of You or of third parties;

12.Customer Care:We make all best efforts to provide You with a best experience. In any unlikely event that You face any issues, please contact us at info@aadhyan.net